The All For One intitiative urges all our partygoers to be mindful, and to give back to our community whenever they visit our venues. Stemming from our belief that we are all one on our dancefloors we use our platforms to encourage civic duty and allow that manifesto to spread to our everyday lives.
The +1 Drive asked guests to come to ur parties with a “+1”- a piece of clothing- during the winter months, to support those in the cold and get them through the harsh weather. Clothing was then stored and distributed to relevant local NGOs.
The ‘+1’ initiative urges all our partygoers to be mindful and bring an item of clothing with them during the winter months, to support those in the cold and help them get through the harsh winters. Clothing will then be stored and distributed to relevant local NGOs.

The following year we wanted to expand the idea of +1 to several other outlets around town. We took over 6 bars simultaneously, with our resident DJs spinning, and set up donation bins for a massive clothes drive.
When an economic crisis started seeping into the country, we collaborated with two humanitarian NGOs to throw the biggest Christmas Giveaway. The drive called for donations of all sorts from food, mattresses, clothes, children’s toys and medicine, where guests even donated their services and time. We committed to donating a cut on every ticket sold and every drink purchased during the Holiday period.